Echinoderm Project 2023 - Week 7 and 8

 Lena here. We said goodbye to Emory and Mohan after that last post, but since I stayed for a couple more weeks, we figured we should do a final post. I've been finishing up the labeling and final touches in our cabinets and cleaning as many new drawers as I can before I leave. Here is a before and after of one of those drawers:

Cabinet 1292 Drawer 8 Before

Cabinet 1292 Drawer 8 After

As we come to a close, it is satisfying to be able to see all our hard work completed, with clean, organized and cataloged cabinets.

One of our finished cabinets, complete with specimen labels, drawer labels, and a full list off all families and genus' in the cabinet (attached to the door)

On Mohan and Emory's last day, Bushra and Hilary threw a little going away party. It was very nice to be able to hang with some of the wonderful people we've met while being here. We also received some great gifts from Hilary. We each received a AMNH bag as well as a sticker and pin. Honestly, I was already so happy about the bag before we found out there was something inside!

AMNH Momentos

Before I leave, I would like to properly thank Hilary for everything she did for us this summer. She taught us how to use all the camera equipment and the cataloging program KE EMu with an incredibly detailed 58 slide power point that always had the answer in times of confusion.

Me, attaching our brand-new labels to the specimens

We will never forget everything we learned here this summer, it has only made me want to work in this field even more. It has also helped me accept that I have to take the time to get a PhD (which I was very apprehensive about before), because I just can't wait for the opportunity to do the research and see all the wonderful specimens. I knew going in how special this opportunity was and it surpassed all expectations so thank you so much to Bushra and Hilary for the opportunity of a lifetime.


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